(43% OFF)
Usually sells at ₹2,990.00
Limited-Time Price Drop
Xoom usually sells for ₹2,990.00. It's down ₹700.00 from the usual selling price.
Express Shipping
Get it as soon as February 10, Monday when you choose Hundred Express at checkout.
Zero Interest EMI
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- 2
Too heavy, while playing feels too much heat.
February 2025Paid for speed delivery but received after 2 week.
Preetham, Karnataka, India
Reply from HundredHi, we apologize for the delay in delivery. Regarding the weight and heat issue, please ensure proper ventilation during play. Our products undergo strict quality checks, but we'll take your feedback into consideration for future improvements. Thank you for your feedback.
- 4
Did not like it
December 2024Delayed delivery. Paid 100 Rs extra amount of for speed delivery but received late.
Reply from HundredHi, we apologize for any inconvenience caused. Delays can sometimes occur despite our best efforts. We strive to deliver on time and will review our processes. Thank you for your feedback.
- 4
October 2024Good cushion..but felt heavy while moving in the court